Superior accuracy for business!
From corporate tax return preparation to transactional tax consultation, we offer a complete solution to ensure your business tax objectives are met.
Corporate Tax
From a sole proprietorship to a corporation or partnership, there are many ways to structure your company. The corporate tax rates and taxation laws are totally different from the individual taxation laws and tax rates. According to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), all resident corporations (except crown corporations and resident charities) have to file a corporate income tax (T2) return every tax year even if there is no tax payable. This includes but is not limited to the following:
• Non-profit organizations
• Tax-exempt corporations; and
• Inactive corporations
We are a team of experts that specializes in Corporate Taxes. Our professionals are up to date with CRA’s constant change in rules. With every law that changes we makes sure your needs are taken care of. We prepare and file your corporate tax return on-time and early enough that any taxes owing is known in advance.
To achieve client’s business goals, our professionals work closely and remain accessible to clients. We take pre-emptive approach with tax planning services, identifying opportunities to protect your earnings and safeguard your assets. We provide a full range of integrated services, including preparing corporate income tax returns for corporations, trusts and partnerships, filing tax elections, and corresponding with federal and provincial tax authorities. We also identify opportunities that will help minimize long term tax burdens, review the effectiveness of business structures, and advise on tax implications of proposed transactions.
Other corporate tax services that we provide includes filing nil returns for dormant or inactive corporations, innovative tax planning to ensure that your corporation falls within the Small Business Deduction Limit and your losses are being properly carried forward/back so that you are paying the least amount of corporate income tax.
Our team of educated and experienced professionals will ensure that you file a corporate income tax return that triggers the least amount of corporate tax payable. Please contact us and book an appointment today.
Special Offers & Promotions
(Limited time offer and subject to change without prior notice. Terms & conditions apply.)
Free Tax Consultation
Have questions but feeling awkward to ask? Don’t worry...
Free Business Consultation
Whether it is a start-up company or already a well established...
Free Previous Tax Check
Not sure if you have received maximum tax refund? We will examine...
Senior Discount
If you’re 65 years or older you will receive 35% off on your basic...
Student Special Offer
We would like to extend Special Student Offer of 25% discount...
Free Foreign Student Guidance!
All international students in Canada must file their tax return...
Instant Cash Refund
Our professionals will file your tax & ensure you get instant cash that...
First Canadian Tax Discount
Whether you just turned 19 or a newcomer to Canada, you will...
Low-Income Concession (Discount)
The low-income individuals and families will receive 30% discount...
VIRTUAL MEETING - Because Your Comfort Zone Is Important!
Let us file your taxes with a remote tax expert all from the comfort of your home. If you are cautious because of COVID-19 or a Canadian living or working abroad, we can help you file your tax return remotely. Virtual tax preparation options let you file your taxes with a remote tax expert from the comfort of your home. Click here for details.

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2300 Lawrence Ave. E. Unit # 3, Toronto ON M1P 2R2
Mon - Sat: 10am - 6pm | Fri 10am - 12pm & 3:30pm - 6pm
Sun: Closed
416 901 0500
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